Philosophy Our philosophy is to encourage learning by providing a range of child-centered services which support parents/guardians in fostering the spiritual, emotional, social, physical and intellectual growth of the children within a strong & nurturing environment.
We create this environment that enables every child to learn God's Word as well as academic subjects and life skills by weaving learning, praying and playing together.
This Academy embraces a DBV philosophy. The "D" represents Developmental growth and learning stages of young children. The "B" represents the Biblical concepts interwoven throughout the day in the lives of the children. The "V" represents the Value we place on your child and the values we interweave through planned activities each day.
Hours and Availability Sonshine Christian Academy will extend flexible scheduling hours from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm to children ages 6 weeks through pre-kindergarten. The hours offered will be broken down according to the needs of the parent/guardians: Part time (up to 6 hours) or Full time (over 6 hours) with the choices of 2, 3, or 5 days per week.
We are a year-round facility offering different programs during the summer months, but the hours of operation & flexibility remain the same.
Arrival & Departure
Arrival - Parents/Caregivers should call the school 5 minutes prior to arrival. You will be met by one of our staff at you designated entrance/exit door. Our staff will escort your child/children to their designated classroom.
The parent/guardian will be responsible for the departure of their child. Door codes are activated @ 3:00PM for family entrance at pick up time. Go directly to your child's classroom. If you arrive prior to 3:00PM, please call @ 610-623-8588 for a staff person to let you in. If a person other than the parent/guardian will be picking up your child, Sonshine must first be notified by a written note, message on ParentSquare or a phone call complete with person's name and your password that's on file for this purpose. The person picking up needs identification and your password.
Children should wear comfortable play clothes that can be easily laundered. • All clothing must be marked with your child's name.
Food Lunches are to be brought from home. We discourage the serving of high, empty calories foods. If you need nutritious lunch ideas, please see the director for suggestions.
We welcome the celebration of children's birthdays. Parents/Guardians may provide birthday snacks if they wish.
Your infant is lovingly held while being bottle fed. Nursing mothers are welcome at any time. However, nursing babies must be able to be bottle fed.
All medication (including over-the-counter) must be prescribed by a physician or accompanied by a written note from the physician. All medication must be supplied in it's original container and clear distinct directions on administering. Staff will not administer the first dose of any medication new to the child.
The following must be completely filled out and returned before a child enters the school: 1. Registration Form - which includes the Fee Agreement and Parental Consents 2. Health Policies Sign-off Form 3. Password Form & Handbook 4. Child Health Assessment Form (due within 30 days of enrollment) 5. A non-refundable $250.00 per child registration fee Items Parents/Caregivers are responsible to provide.. Everything sent from home must be clearly labeled with the child's name. Sonshine is not responsible for lost articles. The items listed below should be selected according to the age of your child. • Complete set of clothing • Disposable diapers & wipes • Bibs • Bottles & formulas • Baby Food • Toddler Nap Mat* • Lunch
*Toddler nap mats will need to be brought home at the end of each week and washed.
Fee Structure and Payment Parents/Guardians must pay monthly tuition fees on the first scheduled day of each month. The rate remains the same regardless of absenteeism, closing for holidays, in-service days, repairs/emergencies, or snow days. Please record the child's name and room on the check or the envelope and give to a Sonshine staff person. Please do not send payments in lunch boxes or diaper bags. There will be a $25 charge for checks returned by our bank.